How semantic search projects


Roman Grebennikov | Delivery Hero SE | MICES 2024



  • PhD in CS, quant trading, credit scoring
  • Findify: e-commerce search, personalization
  • Delivery Hero: food search, LLMs
  • Opensource: Metarank, Nixiesearch

Delivery Hero

  • Last-mile food & groceries delivery
  • 70 countries, 20 languages
  • 1M restaurants & local vendors

Survivor bias

Survivor bias on conferences



  • Do embeddings matter?
  • Relevance tuning with semantic search
  • Multilingual search
  • Semantic search halting problem

Product search in Q-Commerce

  • Large inventory: ~20M items
  • Diverse multi-token requests
  • ~10% (OMG!) zero results rate

Multi-token, long tail queries 🔴

Retrieve and rerank

Precision vs Recall

  • coca AND cola AND zero: zero results
  • coca OR cola OR zero: matches pepsi
  • coca AND cola AND (zero OR light): good luck

yay semantic search!

  • Embed documents with SBERT/OpenAI
  • Install a Vector© Search® Database™ 🚀
  • ...

Customer intent

Customer intent

  • Relevance is subjective: depends on intent
  • Embedding model: no idea about your audience

Bigger models?


Does size matter?

  • Big models: more into small details
  • Still no idea about customer intent :(

Semantic search relevance tuning

  • Lexical search: relevance labels, tinker with retrieval
  • Semantic search: relevance labels, tinker with retrieval

First step is still the same

You cannot improve search if you cannot measure it

[0] -

Relevance tuning?

  • Lexical search: boosts, synonyms, queries
  • Semantic search: fine-tuning


  • Relevant docs: make them closer to query
  • Irrelevant docs: make them further from query

What is positive and negative?

  • 1 click, 3 impressions = 33% CTR?

Mixing clicks and confidence

  • Bayes correction: mix prior and posterior
  • Low confidence: strong shift to avg
  • High confidence: almost no shift to avg

[1]: Haystack US22: R.Kriegler, Modelling implicit user feedback for optimising e-commerce search

Bayes corrected CVR as label

Bayes corrected CVR as label


Implicit labels are noisy

  • High confidence, avg CVR: oops
  • Long tail queries: not enough data to reach confidence
  • Bias towards existing ranking

Future plans

  • LLM relabeling: use explicit labels to fine-tune Cross-Encoder
  • Llama3 CE: much faster convergence on small data
  • Distillation: train embeddings on re-labeled dataset

[1] - Cross-Encoders

Non-English search

Problem: all MTEB leaderboard models are English

Multilingual search

Guess the amount of non-english train samples:


[1] L.Wang et al. Multilingual E5 Text Embeddings: A Technical Report

Out of domain

Food & groceries search - out of domain 😭

[1] - J.Bergum: Vespa Blog - Simplify Search with Multilingual Embedding Models

Fine-tuning on implicit data 💀

Confidence based labels = more bias to English

Hack: up-sample non-English training data (and get more noise!)


Mixed language data

Worked well: mixed language data fine-tuning

Future plans

  • Experiment #1: machine-translation assisted fine-tuning
    			"query": ["water", "wasser", "水", "ماء", "agua"],
    			"positive": ["Oasis Drinking Water", "Oasis Trinkwasser", "綠洲飲用水"],
    			"negative": ["Coca-Cola Zero", "可口可樂零"]
  • Experiment #2: distill multi-lingual from English-biased model

[1]: Training Examples » Multilingual Models

Semantic search halting problem

Problem: semantic search always has something found


Finding a perfect threshold

Attempt #1: set 0.7 as threshold => 70% zero results

Attempt #2: similar queries?

Ecommerce: a lot of repeated queries!

  • Find a "good enough" threshold for all seen queries
  • Threshold of unseen query = avg(threshold of top-N seen q)

FAIL: too much noise

Threshold depends on the model!

InfoNCE training temperature: model confidence level

Query length and threshold

Longer the query - higher the cosine similarity!

Language and threshold

Left: Spanish, right: Arabic

More training data = more model confidence!

#3: language/token threshold

Pre-computed thresholds:

  • Single and multi-token
  • Per each brand (and language)
  • e5-base-multilingual: temp=0.05, range=0.62..0.70

Does it work?

A/B test: Control vs Hybrid for 2+ tokens

Region GMV Orders Clicks Click pos ZRR
SA +3.9% +1.6% +4.2% -3.4% N/A
UAE +0.7% +0.7% +2.5% -2.4% -40%
APAC +1% 0% +1.2% -1% -27%
Turkey +0.6% +0.4% +1.14% 0% N/A
Latam 0% 0% +0.5% 0% -12%

Does it work? (yes/no)

  • Depends on baseline: tough to beat well-built lexical search
  • Focus on recall: use reranking for precision
  • Should you fine-tune: yes

